Picture Love

Picture Love With Me

Kris LeDonne

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When the world doesn't make sense and the news spreads fear, here's a safe space to live and picture love together. Bring friends and let's gather in love and community. 

"Welcome to the Picture Love podcast! I’m your host Kris LeDonne and it’s my purpose to see the good in others and mirror the love back to them, and photos are one of the ways I love to do this. You’ll hear a mix of solo episodes with lessons I love to share and heartfelt interviews and valuable resources to support you with the parts that resonate. As an encourager, it’s my joy to help you picture love better in your life and if you need help curating photo evidence of lives well lived… I

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Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

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Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

Hi, friends, my name is Kris LeDonne, if we've never met before, and I am the host of Picture Love podcast. I am not an expert on politics or foreign affairs or any of the hot topics that are being argued and protested around the world right now. But I am an expert encourager. I see the beauty when it's easy to overlook and I love to mirror it back. My American government does not reflect the beautiful hearts of Americans., A country that was founded on immigration. I mean, most of us would not be here if it were not for immigration, but I digress. I want to say I love my country, but I love my earth. I love the cultures that I have been exposed to living in the United States of America, the diverse cuisines and cultures. And art and music and perspectives and skin colors and beliefs every single one. It's valuable, all of it, threads of a beautiful tapestry, each unique, each important. And I am, I just don't have words to express how disappointed I am in certain powers that have come here to just disrupt. So I'm going to do what I do and that is share what I know and how to picture love. And I invite you to picture love. With me today and to respond in love and light instead of the fear and chaos. That others wish to project. So if that resonates stick around, all right, I want to invite you to, grab an object that is easy to either wear on your person all the time, piece of jewelry, or something that's easy to put in your pocket. I bought myself this beautiful little, enamel butterfly, because the butterfly to me represents transformation and, and change and beauty. And on the back, it says always have faith. And, You don't have to have a little token like that. It could be a coin. It could be a rubber band. It could be anything that is easy for you to have with you. And if you would like the blessing of some Reiki from me to you, that is Universal Source Energy Love. And healing energy. I am setting the intention that anybody who wishes to receive the Reiki that I am infusing with my own butterfly, I will send it wherever it is received and let it be a reminder of the healing that we all can do within our own hearts in spite of outside circumstances. So, I just want to Picture love with you for a few minutes. So if you, could just, you feel free if it's safe to close your eyes while you're watching or listening to this. And if it's not safe to close your eyes, just use your imagination with me, or maybe even come back to this a little bit later or both. Listen now and come back later to continue. And, the exercise I wanted to recommend that we participate in is going to make us all feel. A lot better, at least in the moment, that's the intention and we're going to picture love in our hearts and in our minds. I, I'd love for you to just choose a scene. It can be an actual place. You've been to or a place that you're creating in your mind. And it does not matter if it's fictitious, fictitious. or geographically correct, but this place is yours. It is a place of refuge and beauty. The temperature is just what you prefer. The air feels the way you love the most. It can be land. It can be sea. It can be space. It can be a combination of them. The colors you decide. The plants, vegetation, Animals, marine life, you choose it, but as you take a deep cleansing breath, every time you inhale, just receive the beautiful air of where you are picturing this love. Where is this place in your mind's eye? And just appreciate the air. And as you exhale, it's like every breath is just painting more brushstrokes of beautiful greenery, plants, flowers, fish, birds, people. Music, art ever makes your place more beautiful and just picture things that make you happy. Things that make your heart flutter with joy, happenings that bring you love and happiness. People there who will delight in the same. Every breath you inhale, exhale. Is more of that beautiful light and every exhale is you building that beautiful, beautiful space where you are picturing love and may that place be. Every time you touch that item in your pocket or that piece of jewelry that you chose, may it be another reminder to take a deep breath of the beautiful air there and exhaling and just seeing it flourish with every exhale and let that tangible reminder in your pocket. Take you there whenever you need to I also invite you when you go to sleep tonight Visit that place Take some gentle deep beautiful gratitude filled breaths and every time you exhale it just gets better and better and better and the noise Of the chaos in the world around you, may quiet, may dim, and may the light and the colors and the beauty and the peace inside of your heart where you are picturing love continue to be ever expanding because that's how you are picturing love. I hope that this exercise is something that helps you find grounding and um, Calm in spite of surroundings, in spite of chaos and messages that are confusing. I give it to you as a token of my love and encouragement. And I thank you for participating. And I invite you to please share this with somebody else who will picture love with us, because it really makes a difference. The more we ground ourselves in love, the better off we'll be. The collective may your heart be overflowing with the joy and the beauty and the healing, whether you receive the Reiki or not, but your picturing love made that be your new life. Until next time,