Picture Love

The Unpopular Thing

Kris LeDonne Season 1

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What happens when you have a 4 month whirlwind, uprooting you and your family from a home of 20 years, to live in a brand new place where you know nobody and embrace the unknown, to then suddenly have a week of solitude?  YOU HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS... ALL OF THEM.
The question is- are you listening to them?

In this episode of Picture Love podcast, your host Kris LeDonne shares what some of the mental unpacking revealed for her, and how she is using it for personal growth. Listen for resonance for yourself or someone you love... and let's consider doing the unpopular thing and making that a new trend.

Let's trade noise for picturing love in our hearts and lives and inspire joy in the lives around us in the process. And if you didn't get the recipe from last weeks episode... here's the link

"Welcome to the Picture Love podcast! I’m your host Kris LeDonne and it’s my purpose to see the good in others and mirror the love back to them, and photos are one of the ways I love to do this. You’ll hear a mix of solo episodes with lessons I love to share and heartfelt interviews and valuable resources to support you with the parts that resonate. As an encourager, it’s my joy to help you picture love better in your life and if you need help curating photo evidence of lives well lived… I

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Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

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Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

Hi friends. Welcome back. Back to picture love. I'm tongue tied already. If you didn't get to check the show notes on last week's episode, I highly recommend you go check out my recipe for a little bit of self care. My. My special Epsom salt bath mix, which has been used many different ways. I've been. Spending a lot of time alone this past week. And, um, that's one of the things that. I feel like it's detoxing my body and also just kind of bringing me back to myself. During the quiet. And I'm the quiet has taught me a whole lot. Of beautiful, beautiful lessons. Um, Definitely way too much to pack into one episode of this little podcast. But one of the things that kind of floats to the top, so to speak. Pun intended. It's about doing the unpopular thing. And disconnecting from the chaos and the noise of the outside world. Doing the unpopular thing. Bye. Being willing to just be. Alone and. Quiet. And not worry about, um, are what other people think and what other people think of us. And. What we need to control in the world and what we need to fix in the world. And. All the lists that should be completed. And having the better part of this past week to myself, I. I learned something. I learned that, that I am so happy when I just listened to the quiet inside myself. And that that is. My actual natural state. And if you find that highly repelling, because that's not where you are. Maybe I could just appeal to you for just, just a minute longer before you quit. And go do something else. And. If you're curious to hear more, please stick around. I feel like the news and, uh, Um, popular conversations around the world are very focused on causing fear. And fear is, is the opposite of our natural loving. State and. Fear has a way of taking root, like a seed in the soil and you don't necessarily know it's there.'cause roots always come before the branches. Right? And so when something is out of sight, you don't necessarily know how deep it goes. Just like looking at the surface of the ocean. I don't necessarily know how deep it is. I'm just, I'm just observing the portion. That's in my line of sight and. By allowing myself to turn off the noise and turn off the conversations and. Just take a loan, walks with my dog or sit alone on the beach or. Sit still. In spite of the piles of the laundry or the things that I would like to finish. Taking care of in the new home. Instead of getting busy, being busy. And swallowed up by the noise. I find that. Is a way that my nervous system is starting to self-regulate and start to recover. And. I'm breathing easier and soaking in water is very, very healing to me, whether it's feet in the salt water, or of the beach or in a tub. Or a foot spa, whatever you can do to just. Use water and saltwater. If he can too. Let your body do what it needs to to absorb those minerals and just ground and re. Reconnect with the present. So when I say do the unpopular thing, I'm not necessarily talking about, um, Adding friction or oppose opposition to other people, but just by unplugging. Unplugging ourselves from the technology, from the worry, from the thoughts and. Even allowing ourselves a pen and paper to. Pull things out of our heads that are swimming around there so that they have a place to be seen and heard, and they don't have to be flooding our brains with things that. Make our nervous systems go out of whack. And, uh, I don't know about you, but when I find myself really tense, I hold my breath and I've mentioned it on previous conversations, you know? When I would play music, whether it's singing or playing an instrument. Um, the minute I start to restrict my breath, I start to make mistakes and. Um, when I go through periods of sustained. Not breathing well. It affects the brain. It affects everything. So I just want to invite you to join me and even just five minutes with the phone on silent or. Away from the tech altogether and better yet out in nature. If you can. Find and that nature could just simply be a bathroom with the door. Shut. No tech, no people. The fan on for white noise and your feet in the water. So if you'll just indulge me with the. With just considering or visualizing what that's like and what it's like to be grounded in the present. And just paying attention to the messages that your body's giving you, you know? Diseases dis ease. So if we can allow ourselves to relax into some ease, Imagine what could wash away? Just go down the drain. Imagine F because I mean, our minds are so powerful and our bodies are just these. Wonderful. Wonderful. Amazing creations that are capable of doing so much more than we, as humans have even been able to discover. I mean, obviously you can't go to the doctor's office without them having to ask you a hundred questions, try to. True process of elimination, figure out what is giving us issues. Right. When we go to the doctor and. Sometimes it's as simple as a COVID test or a strep test. And other times it's. It's really any number of things and they're just educated guessers and our medical field. And. Sometimes we just need to stop asking other people for their input and go within to get our own. Information that is readily available inside each of us. We are each our own unique unicorn. And I know that might sound cheesy or make somebody laugh out loud, but good, good. But it let's embrace our own little inner weirdos and, and just love the person that we are. And I'm reminded of a, of a new friend of mine. Who's a very young parent. And, um, these really. Really impressed me. This young guy has done so much to try to just be the best he can and he's always working and he's always trying and. I look at him with, um, with compassion because he's not sleeping. He. Went through recovery addiction, recovery, and. I haven't. I haven't asked any questions. I'm just reflecting on what he shared and. And I see the lack of sleep on his face as he's. It's guts. He's so, so smart and so up in his head. Got an amazing business mind. And quite honestly, if he had created all of the businesses that he had mentioned to me, the man would have already lived a hundred lives. I'm not exaggerating. And the thing that's sticking with me right now is just a wishing that. He would be happy to just slow down and do what I'm saying. To you right now. And that is just go within and, and enjoy the quiet and be. Be peaceful. And find. Find the possibility that. We are each enough right now as we are. And this one little snapshot. We are each. And now. We don't have to do more to earn, to be, to succeed, to strive. To grow. We can just be and trust that we are growing. Each in our own way, in our own timing. And that that is perfect and itself. And, um, Yeah, what's sticking with me. I'm going to call him Tim. Okay. What's sticking with me about Tim is a comment about. He said I can't do this because my wife is trying a new business and. And so I guess he felt like he needed to pull back and just be the steady one. There are decisions. Wanted to make about, you know, a different place to live. And I'm like, well, why don't you just live here for a little while? You know, you're. You have a place you already really like, and you know, really well. And he's like, but then I'm going to feel obligated to stay here. And I'm like, Hmm. Okay. And how bad would that be and how long would you feel obligated to be here and. And he looked like he had so many reasons why he should be stressed right now. And. Yeah. He's and he mentioned the pressure of having to do everything right as a new dad. And I'm like, oh honey. At not honey. I would never call him on he's a new friend and he's a married man, and that could be misinterpreted, but. And my mind I'm thinking, oh, sweet boy. You are enough and your son is enough and your wife is enough and there's nothing you have to do. To be enough for that role. You know, I, I really believe we are each given what we need to work on right now. And sometimes working on that thing is just being with it. And. Where I'm going with this is I just saw sadness. I saw sadness. I saw. Him trying to fulfill what he perceived as obligation for the privileges that he's been given. I'm going to talk about the privilege of parenthood, because whether it's a pet or a human or you're a mentor, or you're a favorite aunt or uncle non-binary role, somebody looks up to you. Somebody depends on you or something. And you could even be talking about your plant babies. I'm not joking. Any. Organic matter that relies on you for sustenance, for guidance, for leadership, for anything. This is what I'm referring to. It's a privilege to have others look to you for guidance and for help. And. It doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice your happiness in order to be that person. You know, I've finally figured out that being a mom. Doesn't mean I have to be this perfect person who controls everything and protects everything. Those intentions are rooted in love, but they're misguided. They're misguided. It's not my job. To make sure everybody else is happy. It is my job to be my happiest PRS love self. So that. My influence shows up. And lights the way for other people to choose their own. You know, We're not here to take freewill away from anybody. And if there's one thing I wish Tim's heart could receive. And I'll share it with you in case it's something you or somebody you love needs to hear. Is that. One of the best things you can do for your son, for your wife, for your responsibilities. Is to love. Yourself enough. To play. To wonder. To laugh and find joy. Because if every single one of us tended to are. Metaphorical happiness garden. Imagine all the beauty that would blossom so much faster with so much ease. That would sustain all of us. You know, imagine F the number of times. The words, tick talk ban or California fires was matched with. Blooming gardens. And breath that heals disease. And compassion. That. Loughs us to heal ourselves. Just one little wound at a time. One little forgiveness. Forgiveness is not for other people. It's for ourselves, forgiving someone else is a gift we give ourselves. And forgiving ourselves. Wow. That's the ultimate forgiveness and healing. Fertilizer. So. However you take this today. I would like to suggest. That we each in one way or another. Withdraw our attention from. Crisis topics. Do the unpopular thing look within. And find what little seed needs watering. That can take up the space so that the seeds of fear are not sewed that in that place. What Love's seeds can we discover in our gardens? That's just waiting to be watered. I'm so grateful to you. If you are still listening to this. I hope it is received as just the medicine that you need today, but I am smiling. As I speak because I just, I find, I find this to be the truth that I needed to marinate. And today. And I hope it helps you picture love inside your beautiful heart. No matter what your heart needs today. I hope you get to do the unpopular popular unpopular thing. Go within. And marinate, what needs extra love to root and help you picture love. Today. And going forward. With all my love. Thank you for being here. See you next time. And if you didn't grab the recipe from last week's episode, Grab it now. Alright. I love you. See you next time. Bye-bye.