Picture Love
The Picture Love podcast is for people who believe in creating and celebrating our best moments through personal growth, story telling, and community connections. We also love using photos in the process.
WE UPLIFT: A compassionate host, guests & community sets the tone for freedom to ask questions and share stories that feed the soul.
WE INFORM: Through sharing stories, tips & insights from various experts and warm hearted souls who generously share their gifts with the world, to help us to curate memories as the best versions of ourselves.
WE INSPIRE: Through sharing resources, life lessons and the invitation to engage. Together we resonate on a journey to embrace deeper heart connections and intentionally Picture Love better in our days and in the world.
If you're looking for encouragement, inspiring stories and to come home to your heart, you're in the right place!
Picture Love
When Its Time to Quit
This episode of Picture Love podcast is an invitation to join host Kris LeDonne in selecting something that simply doesn't serve you anymore and join her in quitting. A few stories, a ritual and a major announcement about closing her beloved business, this episode is packed with food for thought.
"Welcome to the Picture Love podcast! I’m your host Kris LeDonne and it’s my purpose to see the good in others and mirror the love back to them, and photos are one of the ways I love to do this. You’ll hear a mix of solo episodes with lessons I love to share and heartfelt interviews and valuable resources to support you with the parts that resonate. As an encourager, it’s my joy to help you picture love better in your life and if you need help curating photo evidence of lives well lived… I
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Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm
Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris
You can help other photo lovers and storytellers find this podcast by sharing and leaving us a rating/review.
Find me on Social @KrisReminisce or visit my website krisledonne.com
Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm
Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris
Welcome back to picture love friends. I'm so happy to be with you. And I'm so grateful for those who will lend their ear while I share some perspective. From my life experiences and. I'm so grateful to those who can relate and. Share their perspectives. I love the open dialogue. And if there's something here that really strikes a note with you, I hope that you will not only share it with a friend, but let me hear from you too, because life is so much richer when we can share it with others. And engage in meaningful conversations that help us all grow. Today as I record this. I had kind of a shocking realization. I just got off the airplane for the last time, coming home to this house. And. While it's bittersweet. I'm. Honestly. Going through a range of emotions, but. I'm very excited about. What all of this change is going to allow me and my family to experience next. So. I'm reminded of, of. Other first time, college moms or parents, not just moms. Who. Said to me, you know, how sad they are, that their kids are gone. And. How sad they'll be. And, and I always want to encourage, it's just my instinct to try to find something that's not. False, but actually true. To help sooth the soul. I, I love to encourage. And so one of my favorite points to remind those who will listen is. You know, what gave me peace when both of my kids left, the nest was visualizing and knowing the great opportunities that they are experiencing, that they cannot have if they stay home. And stepping out into the world with discernment into new spaces. And dipping your toe into new waters, where you can have the experiences that are really going to help you grow is such an exciting and beautiful part of life. It's not just for college kids, it's for all of us. And so I'm excited that we are. Packing up and moving to a totally different part of the country. Where we're going to be dipping our toes in different waters. And, um, I'm, I'm so grateful to say. That I trust my friendships. I trust my family. I trust them to love us, regardless of the address. And I trust myself. To be the best version of myself and the next chapter. And that leads me to the title of this episode when it's time to quit. And no, I'm not referring to quitting living in New Jersey. I'm referring to the new perspective as I'm visualizing what's coming next. And. In eager, happy anticipation. I'm also realizing that I'm growing and I'm changing. And that means we become different versions of ourselves. So what I'm excited about. Is taking a little bit of an inventory, not just of what are we packing? What are we donating? What are we tossing and what are we selling? I'm talking about the inventory of. What is that newest version of Kris going to be like in the new place, in the new environment, in the new climate? And. Yeah, I'm going to be lacking a little furniture until we start replacing some things that'll fit wherever we're going. And that's great. But I'm so happy. I get to quit. Old things that just no longer fit. Do you know, just, just like getting rid of. You know, some tennis shoes that were so comfortable and so wonderful. And you got all the, where you could out of them, but there comes a point where. You need to let them go to make. To allow yourself to wear something that's going to continue to support your feet. And I know I always using analogies. It's the educator in may. Third generation teacher here. And I love to learn by analogies and stories and. I am making a list of things that I'm quitting. As far as perspectives and old. Dialoguing and anybody who's been listening to picture love for any period of time has heard me speak many different ways about. New perspectives and considering a brighter way of being, and what's the best case scenario and what's the best that could possibly happen. Instead of, you know, what's the worst case scenario. Like. I have. Reprogrammed myself out of. But when it's time to quit. I say it's time to quit fearing. That friendships are going to die and replace them with trust and excitement and invitations for new adventures. I say it's time to quit. The people pleasing that kept me from. Actually clearing out gifts that were, were lovingly given, but have out. You know, the, their usefulness has I've outgrown them. And, um, I had a conversation with my husband about some beautiful collectibles that he bought me many moons ago. We're talking decades and he couldn't believe I was letting go of them. And I said, well, you know what? That's really just, that's not who I am anymore. Does that upset you? And he's like, well, no, but they're valuable. And I'm thinking. You know, just cause they're valuable. Doesn't mean that they're in their best home with me anymore. And yes, I'm not misusing them, but I'm not using them at all in the first place. And that is, I guess, misuse. Neglect. So it's given me great joy. And I touched on this, you know, a couple of weeks back that. I love discovering that other people can find joy in things that I've outgrown and I can pass them on and let them have a new chance at life. So. I'm quitting, the collecting out of obligation. I'm quitting many layers of obligation. And, um, one of the ways that I have been able to embark on these new choices is, is something else I've said before here on picture love is. Honestly, yes, I want to be loved, but what people think of be of me is really more their business than mine. And so each one of us allowed ourselves the freedom to just be who we really feel we are inside. Instead of how are we going to come across to the other people? I think we'll start having much more meaningful conversations. And I think our relationships will be much more lasting and more aligned. What do you think. So I wanted to invite you right now to. If you love to journal like me, great. Grab a piece of paper or a journal. And if your hands, if that's not your style and you just want to kind of consider this. Imagine, what is one thing? That you might want to quit right now. Or get ready to quit. And mentally or physically write it down. I am ready to quit. Fill in the blank. I'm I'm going to quit obligation. That's what I'm going to quit. I'm going to quit feeling so obligated. Two. Be somewhere that other people expect me to be that just don't fit anymore. And I'm going to. Find freedom in that. And by me doing that, I'm giving my kids and other people who look to me for example, I'm giving them permission to. To quit. With the obligations. And just act out of love and sincerity and authenticity. I think that's just that that's the only way any of us. We Willy. Show up as our true honest selves. And I know there's a lot of fear when that's something new. Anything new. You know, we can come up with the ego, comes up with so many ways that we can avoid doing something new just to protect us and keep us safe. And thank you eco, but you can. Take take a break again. Maybe just mentally write that down. And then I love the visual of. Balling it up. And throwing it in the fire pit. Uh, letting a blaze. You can do it physically. You can do it mentally. You can throw it in the shredder. If you're at the office, you can. Do any number of ways of. Releasing it. And there's something so energetically, meaningful. About declaring it. Giving it a name. If you need to say thank you to it, whatever it is, you're quitting. That's okay, too. But then by burning it or shredding it you're just S. Solidifying the contract to make with yourself. You universal, you I'm including myself in this. So, what is it? That we could quit today and I'm not talking about something. Overwhelming like an addiction. Okay. I'm really not here to condemn or judge anybody for any habit. But if there's one thing that we could do. And if there's too many things, pick the smallest one just to set yourself up for success. And join me and let's quit that today and take one step forward. And, you know, the minute we make a declaration, The minute we set an intention, the universe is going to give us a chance to practice, practice that intention. Right. Let somebody see how many ways of being obligated. I am overlooking right now. Well, that's part of earth school. That's part of this human life. We get the opportunity to practice that lesson until it is ingrained. And suddenly we become and embody that newest version of ourselves. So. A little bit less clutter. A little bit less obligation. Leaves a whole lot more room for gratitude and smiles. In my new chapter and I invite you today. I am surrounded by a lot of people. Who like myself are going through massive, massive shifts. So even if you're not one of those people whose life is completely going to look different in just a few months from now, I invite you. To, to something really small and doable that makes you feel successful, that you can practice. Sticking to by quitting something that just no longer fits. What do you think? Speaking of quitting. One of the things. I'm still processing is that it's time to quit my business. And that is kind of like a bomb drop. For some people who were just. So accustomed to one version of me. And I know that they define me by my work because, well, I've done a lot of work for them and that's okay. That's all right. And how I build this up in my head is also probably quite different from what other people are thinking. But again, this is like, How we show up out of obligation or are we showing up out of authenticity? And so while I love. My business reminiscence. I'm not going to be running that commercial anymore because. It's the end of that chapter. And now I'm calling in creative collaborations. I have a few ideas. I have a few offers on the table. And. What I'm doing is giving myself this period of transition to the new home. To search my heart and really get clear on what makes me happy and what doesn't, because. When I am happy and am. I'm in my full joy while I'm doing my creative work. I am blessing more people. When I am able to work from a space of genius instead of obligation. I have so much more to give. I have an endless supply to give. Because it's, it's divinely connected. And I know I'm a creative and I know that other people want me to do other things for them because that's what they want. And there will be some of them disappointed. They. It's just a fact and you know what. I've decided that. While I care about other people, that is not a good reason to keep doing business, just to keep them happy. That is not why I have this business. I have this business because it came from my heart until recent months when I started doing things. For people because I can and they needed it and it took me farther and farther away from my heart. So I am quitting ignoring my heart. It's time to get real. And. when and if I start a new business. Reminiscence will be something that I stand on with gratitude and love for the lessons that have been given to me and some challenging people. Who had very, very strong opinions projecting towards what kind of work I should be doing for them. And with them. And I decided that, you know what. It's time to love myself enough to not let anybody should all over me. Wow. That's a lot. That's a big load. My palms are sweaty sharing this officially on picture love because reminiscence has been my baby. Well, since my human babies and my, for babies that is, but. Anybody who's an entrepreneur understands that you put so much of your soul into your work. And. When my soul started getting pushed to the back seat. So that I could take on tasks. To make other people happy. That's where I went wrong. And I apologized to myself and I forgave me. And now I'm excited because I know whatever I do next, it's going to be more aligned and more true to who I am. And that means other people are going to benefit way more. Than when I. I'm settling for less. So please join me. Pick something that you just don't need anymore. I quit. Just quit. And if it's something. If there's something really hard, like caffeine or nicotine or something like that, maybe choose something a little bit easier to start with. But I am alongside of you cheering for you. If it means you're quitting something that's really going to let you step into your authenticity. As I am trying and succeeding to do myself. So until next time. Keep picturing love. And please. Let me know, what are you quitting today?