Picture Love
The Picture Love podcast is for people who believe in creating and celebrating our best moments through personal growth, story telling, and community connections. We also love using photos in the process.
WE UPLIFT: A compassionate host, guests & community sets the tone for freedom to ask questions and share stories that feed the soul.
WE INFORM: Through sharing stories, tips & insights from various experts and warm hearted souls who generously share their gifts with the world, to help us to curate memories as the best versions of ourselves.
WE INSPIRE: Through sharing resources, life lessons and the invitation to engage. Together we resonate on a journey to embrace deeper heart connections and intentionally Picture Love better in our days and in the world.
If you're looking for encouragement, inspiring stories and to come home to your heart, you're in the right place!
Picture Love
Being Wrong (In The Best Possible Way)
It's time to celebrate lessons we've learned, and many of from watching others in their journey and of course, interacting with them.
This inspired a first of a series of "I'm proud of you" shout-outs offered from host Kris LeDonne.
Who have you been watching, and been impressed or inspired by for something they've accomplished or overcome?
Host Kris LeDonne shares 4 of hers, with the implication there will be more to come- and you're invited to join the conversation.
If you - as a part of the Picture Love community of listeners, have a story to share or a "proud of you" shout out to share... please send it to kris through her website so we can celebrate together! krisledonne.com - send us a message on the contact form and mention you're a listener of the show.
Keep picturing love, and savor the journey!
"Welcome to the Picture Love podcast! I’m your host Kris LeDonne and it’s my purpose to see the good in others and mirror the love back to them, and photos are one of the ways I love to do this. You’ll hear a mix of solo episodes with lessons I love to share and heartfelt interviews and valuable resources to support you with the parts that resonate. As an encourager, it’s my joy to help you picture love better in your life and if you need help curating photo evidence of lives well lived… I
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Find me on Social @KrisReminisce or visit my website krisledonne.com
Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm
Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris
You can help other photo lovers and storytellers find this podcast by sharing and leaving us a rating/review.
Find me on Social @KrisReminisce or visit my website krisledonne.com
Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm
Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris
Hi friends. I hope you are having a beautiful day right now. And if you're not, I hope that this conversation will definitely brighten your day. A couple of weeks back a couple episodes ago, I asked a few questions based on a conversation that I had with my friends and my coworking session. And I asked what is something you're very proud of in yourself today? And from that I found some work, find out, find it easier to answer the question that others I'm actually. One of them had a hard time giving me one thing. She just went on this beautiful rampage, which reminded me of. style of journaling that I love to do. And. You know, when you're fixated on a happy thought, a happy emotion, it's easier to attach other happy things with it. And the same goes on the flip side of our emotional scale. And then there was one who is quite in touch with herself, but she's better responding. To does this make you feel good about yourself rather than an open-ended name? Something? You know, we all re w we have different ways of seeing the world and. And I love the variety of friends that I have that remind me of this every day. Well a Ram page, so to speak in a positive way, they came out of asking that question for me. Was. A series of, I'm proud of you entries in my journal about people that I love. And I'm just looking at a page full of friends of mine, who I am super proud of. And I'm reading my journal right now. And it says I'm proud of you series. And I put slash permission slip. So. I would like to share a few of the scenarios that I am very proud of and other people in hopes that they're something that resonates for you personally or in your relationships to help create patterns of positivity and, and pride from a place of love. Love for. Our loved ones and love for ourselves because honestly, so many of us were raised to pour from empty cups. So many of us were raised to believe it's better to give than to receive. So many of us have been trained to care about how other people feel and think over their own. And that is just created generations and generations of wounds and unacknowledged self-love. So, as I share with you today, I hope that you just hear one thing and nothing else because it sets you in this pattern of beautiful, loving thoughts for yourself. For others. For your relationship with others? Either present ones past ones or relationships to come. I hope that makes sense. But I just know that wherever we put our focus. That is what grows. So let's grow some really beautiful loving patterns in our lives and the lives around us. By just using this little I'm proud of you perspective and let that be your permission slip to discover a whole lot more. Okay. My first I'm proud of you. I'm going in order of my relationships. So this is the oldest of the ones I'm sharing with you today. Old, meaning I've been. With this beautiful human, the longest. And this I'm proud of you message goes to Joanne. Joanne. I am so proud of you. For loving yourself enough to take your health. To the top of your list of priorities. I am so proud of you for being your own advocate. Uh, not waiting for the doctors to do better. I'm so proud of you for making time to get out in nature and give yourself that much needed getaway. I'm so proud of you for loving yourself. Finally the way you deserve to be loved. I'm so proud of you for loving yourself. Just as much as you love your family. And I'm so proud of you for stepping into that new Verner version of yourself with curiosity. That childlike wonder. And knowing that it's not about the finish it's about the process. So I am inspired. And I'm so proud of you for loving you. Bravo. I can, if anything resonates for you recording a relationship, run with that. And if it resonates for you within yourself, And if you're feeling like you. Our Joanne. I'm so happy for you. Please celebrate, celebrate these steps that we are taking to heal our bodies because. You know what our bodies are, our vehicles for this life experience. And when we take care of the body and we honor and respect it and we appreciate it. Um, it works better. I mean, not to oversimplify, but you know, if you take care of that car, the car is going to perform better. Right. And we're all made out of energy. We are all in a position of. Different positions in life. And there are no two identical life experiences. And so life often gives us reasons to not prioritize something like our health. Um, I know it's true as a mom. I know it's true for myself when you know, I'd keep all up on the immunizations immunizations for my kids and. Then getting me to a physical was something that always went last and. I'm doing some, I'm doing something better about that. And, and having Joanne's example has really helped me greatly. And if this is a gentle reminder for you to do the same for yourself today, it comes with no convictions. Only love. All right. You ready for the next one? This is. I am so proud of you, Kim. Mike Kim, my sister later in life. I am so proud of you. For trusting me to say it as it is. For trusting me to hear your feelings. And for trusting me to receive it with love. I am proud of you for owning your emotions. I'm proud of you for. You just, you're the first one to help everybody around you. And I'm so proud of you for giving your heart a voice. I know what you're going through right now is so, so hard. But you've come through hard things before and you're made out of this lasting stuff. Your love is endless. It's boundless. You are connected to this universe, which is an endless supply of love. And you channel it so, so beautifully. I am so proud of you for directing that love to yourself and to your voice and being able to share how you feel. I thank you. Thank you for that. For being that role model. Of patients and love. And thank you for trusting me to hear what you say. And to still be your friend and thank you for not pushing me away, just because I'm moving because you know, I'm always right here. In your heart. All right. So, I mean, I always say friends or friends, no matter what part of the world they live in. And. You know, as, as we grow, we have to change in order to Crow. And I'm so grateful for friends who honor that, and they don't push me away. I mean, back in college and those younger years, I had relationships where. The safest thing to do is to push somebody away before they left you. Right. And I'm so grateful that the friends that are in my circle right now. Are ones who love me regardless. And they want what's best for me. And they trust me to be their friend, whether here or there. So for that. Kim. I'm so proud of you. Keep going. I'm still listening. Speaking of friends here or there. I want to send out and I'm proud of you. To Becky. Becky is not in my part of the world, but she feels like she's right here inside my heart or Ray next to me, as I speak to you, you know what that is? That is the spirit of love that connects. We are all connected. It's it's an energetic connection. It's a love connection. It's a universal, we are pieces of the same universe. And I'm so grateful that my perspective of the universe includes knowing this beautiful Becki she is an expert at helping people find ways to heal. And she has shed so much light on how and why I function the way I do simply through. Our friendship and conversations and her expertise in human design. And she's helped so many women. Get back on their paths of recovery from. Various illnesses and operations and, and recovery from many different. Perspectives. I love that she shows me on a regular basis that the way I perceive things doesn't have to be the way my husband perceives things. And the reason why my kids don't get something would be because their sensory experiences and languages are not the same dialect as my own. And I love that so much. And, when. I ask her. A this or that question. She shows me an example of how I need to be making decisions because she and I have some similar wirings. So it's been such a joy to discover that through her expertise and her role model. I love that. I'm so proud of you, Becky for taking what you know. Being willing to model it and to teach to other people. Because if we don't understand how we tick, if we don't understand the best ways to make our own decisions, if we don't understand the way we are wired. How do we understand other people? And I'm so proud of her. And I know there are a lot of other beautiful people learning or are adept at human design. If you haven't learned that I highly recommend checking a book or. Go on YouTube or. Ask me for Becky's details. I'll be glad to put that she's over in the UK. And, Just be willing to consider the way we expect to receive information is not always the way it comes in. And it's so helpful to have friends who make us aware of that. I'm so proud of you, Becky. I'm proud of you for. Taking a step back when, you know, you need time to process before you can respond. I'm proud of you for modeling the different ways or explaining to us the different ways that sometimes people need to go through things. That everybody's process is unique to them. And some of us have common threads. And it's all good. I love that. And the last one I'm going to share today from the I'm proud of you series, because there will be many more to come. I'm proud of you, Saba. Saba. Is an amazing professional. She matches people to their homes and she helps people. Transition out of their homes into something better. And Saba had a fear around dogs. And I wasn't aware of this when we were planning my move and, and the process of listing and all that. I wasn't aware. And so when I came across this understanding, I spoke to her and I am so proud of you, Saba. For sharing with your heart wide open. What your challenge is and why. I am so proud of you Saba for owning that I am so proud of you for making a decision, whether you want to heal from your fear of dogs, or if this is something that you don't choose to heal, because every one of us has our own choices and none of us has the right to decide what the right choice for someone else is. But Saba. I honor, you. For being humble and open hearted enough to let me and my cutie pie help you on your healing journey. I am so proud of you. And I'm grateful to you for trusting me as your friend. To help you in this process. And I celebrate you for even wanting to sit down and take pictures with my doggy girl, who clearly considers you friend. And every one of us has fears, whether we are conscious of them or not, whether we have named them or identified them or not. Fears or things that keep us from going one direction. Okay. And sometimes the fears can be watered down into just lessons. You know, we don't need to be afraid to cross the street. We just need to be aware before crossing the street. And I know I'm oversimplifying. But fear is a human emotion. That is a very useful tool when we see it for what it is. We unpack the information that's available for us. So then we can make a decision on whether to act one way or the other. But, but doing nothing. Is a choice. And Saba, I'm so proud of you for making the enormous leaps and strides in your healing. About your fear of dogs. So I'm looking at the title that I chose for this episode. And I named at being wrong in the best possible way. And that's because I'm going to close with a story about how I was incredibly wrong in what I think turns out to be a really good thing. So listing the house, we've decided that we were selling off a lot of our furniture, our larger items. And we're just going to start over. start fresh in the new place. And I was dreading the selling. I didn't want to do garage sale because I have memories of the haggling and the. Just sitting around and all the work to set it up and then all the work to clean it up. And I just didn't want to go that route. So I thought I was going to hire a company to come out and do some of the work for me and just. Bam delegate. Because I've also been working on my ability to receive help and to refine my skills for delegation. Well, that company ended up being a completely wrong fit for me. So I tried my hand in Facebook marketplace. And I'll be honest. I would've done it a long time ago if I realized how easy it was going to be an enjoyable. It was my perspective that this is hard. That I was terribly wrong about, and I think that relates to anything in life. If we decide it's hard. We're not going to dive in head first, right? Because doing things that are difficult and they're hard, we've been taught. You get H hype yourself up. You gotta prepare yourself. It's making a mountain out of a mole hill. Okay. I'm not restructuring the whole government in a month. I'm just talking about selling some furniture. Why did I make it such a big deal? So. I went on marketplace. I started writing descriptions, but I wrote them as if it's me talking to a neighbor describing my stuff and I put commentary in there and it was cool because I got to see. All right. Who's actually got a profile and who looks like a fake account and I just delete those conversations. And then I started getting conversations from people who are local, who would come pick things up because I'm not dealing with shipping. I don't have the bandwidth to do that. And I met out of four pickups. Four of the nicest humans ever. And they were utter strangers to me, this process has been so much fun. So when I say I was wrong in the best possible way, I am saying. That it's not hard. It's what we make it. So when I approached it as a playful banter between friends. All of a sudden the people showing up to receive my items with gratitude, happy to pay my very, generous prices I will say. It was delightful. And I was able to storytell and say, oh, this dining table is full of really happy family meals and insanely funny. Nights with friends, couples nights. Family board games. Stories and, and it went home with a new couple moving into their first apartment together. It was so wonderful. So my point in sharing this is I'm proud of me for facing a fear straight on. But I'm so pleased that I was able to discover I am wrong. And if you have been listening to picture love, you've heard me say more than one time. What if it's easier than I'm making it? What if right. What if it's better than I believe? Well, in this case, It has been fantastic. It just took. My. Focus. And my focus is on beautiful people, beautiful memories and things that are not garbage things I care about going to new happy stories. So let's unpack some more happy stories. Let me know. In what ways maybe you were wrong in the best possible way. Or carry the conversation on with yourself in your journal or with somebody you love and tell them how proud you are for them. Of them. Of yourself, all of the above. But let's give ourselves the permission slip today to keep picturing love and I'll see you next time. Bye. Bye.