Picture Love

Happy Birthday Picture Love! (& A Gift For You)

Kris LeDonne Season 1 Episode 59

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How can it possibly be? Picture Love Podcast is 1 year old and we're celebrating with gifts for the listeners... these gifts will be given to everyone listening if only you accept! And there's no limit to the quantities you listen to and receive! 

This episode contains:
A healing gift,
A meaningful story,
A blessing,
Inspiration and and invitation.

Please celebrate with us and spread Picture Love far and wide. 
Thank you for being the LOVE that YOU ARE. 

"Welcome to the Picture Love podcast! I’m your host Kris LeDonne and it’s my purpose to see the good in others and mirror the love back to them, and photos are one of the ways I love to do this. You’ll hear a mix of solo episodes with lessons I love to share and heartfelt interviews and valuable resources to support you with the parts that resonate. As an encourager, it’s my joy to help you picture love better in your life and if you need help curating photo evidence of lives well lived… I

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Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

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Find me on Social @KrisReminisce or visit my website krisledonne.com

Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

Welcome back to picture love friends. I am so excited to be here with you. Now, if you can't hear it in my voice, I'm smiling so hard. I think my face may freeze this way. But I am so excited. Picture love podcasts with your support has made it to our first birthday. I'm so excited. I know I keep saying that, And it did, you know, that less than 11% of all podcasts make it past 50 episodes. Well, we made it to 60. And we made it to a year and 90% of all podcasts, don't make it past three episodes. So I think that you and I have something to celebrate something must be working if we're still here. And if this is your first time listening. Welcome. I'm so grateful that you chose to share a little bit of your attention and your energy with us today. To celebrate. I have a special gift for you. The gift is on the table. You can receive it or you can leave it for somebody else. I will explain. Something a year ago. I never imagined I would be doing. I never imagined that I would be a healer. And. Lo and behold, here I am. I just received my level two Reiki attunement about a month ago. And I have seen incredible healing in my human body and in my plants and in my pets. And N loved ones. Who've been re receiving some of the healing that I am able to help facilitate and channel. And it's something I really never set sights on doing, but it's just an opportunity that found me and it feels like I'm remembering a part of myself. Have you learned something new? And it felt so right. And so good. It almost felt like you were remembering it instead of doing it for the first time. Who knows maybe older versions of me knew this already. And any event. I have a very special story to share with you to commemorate the first birthday of picture love, because it's something that happened on the actual first birthday, which was October 17th, 2024. And it's actually, before I get there, I'm going to explain the birthday gift. So the gift I'm offering you. Is this story that I'm going to be sharing on this episode? Is infused with Reiki, love and energy. You can choose to receive it if you're not really sure what that means for you. Just think of it as healing and loving energy from the universe that you can choose to receive. And if you choose not to receive it, I've set the intention that it just goes to earth, her lands. Her waters. And just to all the areas where healing and extra love and support is needed. And by receiving it, you're not keeping earth from receiving Reiki, love and healing. This is something that I do. Personally every day. So not to worry. There is no limit. There is no end to the amount of universal energy that can be shared. Thanks to practices like this one. So during the story I told you, I set the intention to deliver healing to any listeners that desire to re receive it, whether it's emotional or physical or, Maybe you're stressed about something and you want to send healing to that. Maybe you want to send healing to certain parts of the world, and you just want to increase your own energy and your ability to send positive intentions. You can use it. It Reiki is intended to go where it's needed. If you choose to receive the healing and the loving energy, you simply state out loud or in your mind. I set the intention to receive Reiki from Kris. And it'll flow to and through you and it'll travel where it's needed. As long as you and your body need it. You may also choose to set the intention to receive it at a later time, like before you're going to sleep. In that case, you might say something in your mind or out loud. Like I set the intention to receive this Reiki energy as I go to sleep tonight. So you get to decide what your intentions are and how you use it. If you do. And again, if you choose to pass. You do not have to receive this energy. It's like I said, going to go to our beautiful, loving earth. And I invite you to set your intention now. Then we will dive into this special first birthday episode, Storytime of picture love podcast. Well, I'm just going to go on record by saying I am not an astronomer and I am not an astrologer. But I know a few things about a few planets and fun phenomena and that beautiful sky. And on. October 17th, 20, 24. We had a full moon in Aries and it was not just a full moon. It was a supermoon. And I don't know why this number is so available in my memory, but I saw somewhere it, the moon was 222,000 miles from earth. And they call it a supermoon because it looks bigger because of its position. It's so close to us and it makes the moon just feel even larger than it really is. Now that night was special to me because it was also my 26th wedding anniversary with me and my husband. And, uh, we had just accepted an offer on the sale of her home. It was the first birthday of picture love podcast. And I was facing a lot of change. I am in the midst of huge milestones. Empty nest. I mentioned that on earlier episodes. We're just on the precipice of a new chapter and possibly an entirely different looking life. My husband was traveling. I knew I would see him the next day. We would get to celebrate. After his business trip. And I decided to journal and set some intentions for this new season of life. Not just. Because there was a supermoon that was so inspiring. I resolved to let go of some old stories. There's always more of those. And I was about to climb into bed. When I remembered, I learned a trick on how to take a really great photo of the moon on my iPhone. I will drop a little mini episode so you can learn what I learned because it really worked well. So I wanted to try it out. And so instead of climbing in bed, I slipped into my fuzzy bathrobe and grabbed my iPhone and tiptoed out front door to the front porch to figure out the best vantage point for taking pictures, you know, where are the trees not blocking? Where do I have the best perspective? Immediately. I was mesmerized by the bright golden Moonlight. It looked like I cantaloupe so beautiful and colorful. I stood there for a few minutes, taking it in and. Then I got started on my photo taking and it was, it took a little figuring out to do, but I think I really nailed it. I got the technique down and. It was really, I guess you could call it the money shot. The one I will use is cover art for this episode on my Instagram. And that's when I noticed some rustling in the leaves on the front lawn. Well, it's autumn here in New Jersey and the leaves fall and they get crunchy. And so that's not an unusual sound. Except the crunching of the leaves got louder and the sound was more sustained. And I knew it was more than squirrels scurrying with our acorns. It got closer. So I switched on my flashlight and I saw two glowing eyes looking right at me. Yeah. Strangely. I knew it could be an animal that I don't want to greet so close, but my curiosity was actually stronger than my fear. This time. And I took a photo only to discover myself face to face with a gigantic buck. Okay. Okay. I know some of you think, yeah, that's no big deal. We see deer all the time. But this was so unique. And that this majestic creature approached me and stopped hesitantly about 10 feet in front of me. And stood there gazing at me as I did him. We had a silent conversation. I'm not kidding you for at least five minutes. We just stood there, observing each other. I must have looked really odd. He must've been thinking, what kind of weirdo creature is this? Because I'm in this. Fluffy. Fuzzy white bathrobe with black polka dots, my hair, and a cap from, for going to sleep. And, and then there's this glow of a flashlight coming out of my phone. That's like pointed right on him. He must've been like. What the heck am I looking at? So I turned the light off after getting a photo of him and found myself. Having a soft conversation with him because he stayed, he just planted himself there. And I did too. Neither. One of us seemed interested in moving. And I just started softly talking to him and thanking him for appearing to me. And I asked him if he had a family nearby. And I was just telling him how beautiful he is. And my feet were growing numb from the cold ground beneath me. But I w I was so enamored with this exchange that I just was in no hurry to leave. And then it hit me. This was a blessing. He was there. To bless me under the full moon. Life had officially begun. In a new timeline. I'm getting choked up. As I say this. A new act is beginning and he was my emcee announcing the scene change. His stature told me it was my time to step up and lead with my light. It's time to use these gifts to make a bigger impact. And what others think of me is no longer any of my concern. He was the physical embodiment of spirit telling me I'm on the right path. And I need to just keep going. I felt so overwhelmed by gratitude. The tears were there. And I recall that last. Apple is in the kitchen, uh, island waiting to be eaten. So I silently slipped up the front steps. I stepped inside my house. Grabbed it from the kitchen counter and I re returned and I saw he was still there. He was just a few paces back into the shadows of the trees. But he was still right in range and watching me. So I rolled on the apple with a blessing and I thank you. And he watched me get back into the house, safe and sound. My entire body vibrating from the energy of this loving. encounter. I had the deepest, most restful sleep. I, I don't remember sleeping like that. I woke up feeling new. Once I remembered the night before I quickly opened my camera roll to find this majesty looking back at me. I'm so grateful. So in my journal that morning. I'm going to read to you a little bit about what I wrote. I'm sorry, I've got to get myself together a little bit here. And this is what my journal says. 10 feet between us felt like an energetic touch. An exchange of beauty, strength and love. Nature's blessing is as visible and tangible as I could ever imagine. A validation that this home of 20 years is preparing goodbyes. And closing chapters for us and with us. That I can go in peace and gratitude with blessings for our new home. Trusting that the universe is watching. Protecting and preparing my way. Reminding me. To remain, present and willing to seek and discovered joy in every moment. Because life is a journey. And every single step is its own experience. Containing information and support. Before the next one can appear. Every step matters. Every single step is precious. And if we honor every step, we make the best of it and find more to honor. May we all follow our paths with curiosity, wonder and presence. Lighting the way for ourselves and others as we go. May we honor others' perspectives. And celebrate the fact that we get to choose how we experience our own lives. May we thrive knowing our lessons are not meant for others. Our lessons are for us individually. I choose to sing. And dance and the acceptance that we don't have to see things the same in order to live fully in our purpose. Our passion and our own ways of picturing love better in the world. As promised I fused the story with the purest love, light and Reiki energy from the universe that delivered me this blessing. Next time you see a buck or picture one in your mind. I hope you feel this current of love. Protection. Strength. That you feel the majestic affirmation that you are right. Where you are meant to be. And to keep going. Keep picturing love. Keep trusting that the love that you are in your truest form. Trust that. I love you. If you loved this story. Please share it. The greatest birthday gift you can give picture love podcast. Is to help someone else picture love with us. See you next time.