Picture Love

What You Think is What You Get

Kris LeDonne Episode 59

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Have you ever noticed how you find what you're looking for in the sense of outcomes?

If we want the best but we're so focused on what we DONT want, we get more of what we don't wont. 

The other side of that coin is so much more beneficial, when we focus on the best case scenario and then we are ready to find results we LIKE! 

Join host Kris LeDonne in this short episode with some stories, some reflections and an outright invitation to create a better outcome by choosing our thoughts better. Kris would LOVE to hear your stories, and you can submit them through her website krisledonne.com. 

In the meantime, share this with someone else so we can spread some positivity and picture love better into our days!  <3

"Welcome to the Picture Love podcast! I’m your host Kris LeDonne and it’s my purpose to see the good in others and mirror the love back to them, and photos are one of the ways I love to do this. You’ll hear a mix of solo episodes with lessons I love to share and heartfelt interviews and valuable resources to support you with the parts that resonate. As an encourager, it’s my joy to help you picture love better in your life and if you need help curating photo evidence of lives well lived… I

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Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

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Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

Hi friends. Welcome back to picture love. I am sitting here in a very staged looking studio. My houses on the market. If you have been listening to this. Show for any period of time, you know, that this is just part of my transition this year from empty nest to. Moving into the unknown meaning literally, I don't know where we're going to be moving, but we're in the thick of the house showings with the occasional, pummeling of acorns on the roof or the dog barking at yet another person slowing down to look at the house, reading the signs. This is just kind of an in-between a limbo, unlike anything I've ever experienced. And I know I'm not the only one. I know there are many, many of us who are finding themselves in places of transition or trying to do something new or trying to complete something so they can get into something new. And there's something weighing heavily on my heart that I would love to voice. And put on record here on picture love. That I am learning have learned and continue to learn on a deeper level. That I really think more people need to be aware of. And so if this appeals to you, I hope you will share it to other, with other people, but it is on our perspective. And I named this episode, what you think is what you get, because. Truly the life experience that each one of us has. Is unique to how we perceive it and what we do with it. And two people having the same conversation with two completely different experiences. Is an example of how, what you think is what you get, you know, when we go into something like, Hmm. Sorting your photos into a cloud service and expecting it to be hard. Guess what? It always is. And looking to a professional to help you get things set up. And. Expecting them to not understand your needs. Guess what? You're going to make it hard for them to show you they know your needs. I don't mean you personally. I mean, universal you us. I'm just. I'm just reflecting on a few circumstances in the last week. And. If we could go into something. Focus on a topic that really is worth our while. Something like. Sending loving thoughts. And seeing the best possible outcome for somebody who's in need. Whether we're talking about a natural disaster. Or a crisis of some kind. Or somebody's physical or emotional safety. Or healing of any kind. Some place where we want to call in a better outcome. I would love to please just draw everybody's attention to. Quit focusing on what's wrong. And literally in your mind, play a movie on the best possible outcome. And I'll tell you. I have just been very quiet on social media. The last few months. And one thing I've noticed, you know, here we are in the middle of October 20, 24, and Florida has been quite the target. Of some rapid fire succession of hurricanes. You know, storms and. I noticed a large part of our public thousands and thousands of people who are on social media, Tik TOK in particular. Talking about how we can band together and pray for the safety. And to see a category five storm downgrade to a category one. Causing some down trees, some power outages and some, um, you know, cutoff of gasoline. Um, was quite a reduced outcome from what was originally projected. If you listen to the news, you know, everything is always the worst case scenario. So. What I'm suggesting is no matter how personal or widespread. Um, the topic or the subject is, can we just please band together and decide. That how we're going to experience it is going to be for the better. What if something going wrong is the perfect lesson we need right now. What if. The plans don't go as we had envisioned it and we have to come up with a plan B. What if that plan B is better than plan a ever could have been in the first place. So while our environment seems to be changing rapidly and our views keep getting more and more pronounced. Either in agreement or disagreement. What if we could practice that. On scenarios that are already not the way we want it, but we could just start to, instead of dwelling on everything that's wrong instead of dwelling on the dissonance between political parties, instead of. Dwelling on the wounds that have been passed down from generation and generation to generation. I don't mean to dismiss them. I do not. Please. No, I'm not talking about your pain. Any existing pain is not worth paying attention to, but what I'm saying is where we put our focus would be. What if we've already learned all the lessons we need to in that subject, and we're ready to move forward whole and together, and to rally with compassion for ourselves so that we can be compassionate for one another. And when people start talking about self-compassion and how selfish that is. I think that's a misuse, a misuse of words. So if we could start to think about, and you've probably heard me talk about this before, if you've been around for any period of time. How self-compassion is not putting others down in order to take care of ourselves. It's filling our own cup so that we are of better service to the world. And even if you don't. If you're not in the place where you're really caring about serving the world, what if your cup is just so empty? You are so parched and you're so spiritually or emotionally, physically. Any kind. Um, dehydrated. That you don't even realize the joy of being in service to others. So. When I say self care. And self-compassion. I truly mean healing one's self so that we are not the weapon that hurts our neighbor. So I'm extending an invitation to you today. What is occupying your mind? What is, what is the topic of conversation? That takes up the most. Brain space today. And if it's full of gratitude. Oh, that's so beautiful. You know, We've we've learned about how just being grateful. The more you look at that you are grateful for the more you find to be grateful for. That's wonderful. And what if there's something else that needs your attention to that isn't already full of gratitude. Okay. Or maybe you're at rock bottom and gratitude just seems so out of reach. Just choose one thing with me. I invite you to choose one. Topic. And see if you can invest. And just a little bit of time and energy sitting still with your eyes closed and playing a movie in your mind of what is the best case scenario. And you can think of it like a filmmaker if you want, and you get one idea and you say, oh, Nope, cut. Here's a better one. And then maybe you're rolling that film in your mind and you realize, Ooh, Nope. Cut. I have an even better one. And that can just become the best, most beautiful way to rampage. For a light for love, for healing, for progress. And honestly the better space we are in the better we influence those around us. I mean, even my office plants. Let me tell you. Um, I hope I'm not digressing too far, but. This house being on the market. I have not had the luxury of spending much time at my desk, in my office. It's just always been packing up the pets, filling up the car, you know, hide the dishes. But everything away, make it look like nobody lives here, but anybody could live here. And then. My poor plants have been just so neglected because usually they grow and they flourish and they're so happy. And they're right here in front of me. They loved the vibrations of fois. They love the. The energy of all the positivity that pipes through my work, and I love them and I appreciate them and they flourish. But let me tell you. And the last week they have, they have not gotten nearly as much of my energy to support them. Yes, they have light. Yes. They have water. But they're living organisms and I could tell they looked a little bit flat. Flat meaning like pretty, but maybe like an artificial artificial plant. They didn't didn't have that vibrancy. That I'm used to seeing. So I'm literally sitting here and smiling at them and telling them that you are so beautiful. And that sounds so nutty, but any plant lover understands, this is a thing. So when I tell them how beautiful they are and I care for them and I prune them and I make sure that they are not too crusty and there's nothing growing on them that shouldn't be in. And they get my attention. Then they respond was such beauty and such grace. So let's see what other metaphorical plants need watering and love and attention and praise. That's going to make you feel fantastic. But also maybe that thing that just seems so giant is actually a beautiful, exciting adventure waiting to happen. So one of my family members, um, I just had a conversation. It was deep, it was hard. It was unpacking. There's just so many emotions when this has been home for two decades. And this family member was really having a hard time with it. And. And I listened and it was messy. You know how sometimes these, when their emotions run raw, people say things they don't mean. And. Have you ever noticed when there's like one is ready to argue and the other one isn't and the fact that the other one isn't is actually inflaming the one who wants to argue. We humans. We're so funny. Anyway. I was allowed to say once it all calmed down, like I could say, but this person received. What if the next home we land in. Feels even better to come home to than this one. So I'm here to say. What you think is what you get. And I love where I am. I am grateful for the journey, but I know there's no way I can grow without welcoming and change. And I invite you to please find something that could use a best case scenario perspective, because what you think is what you get. Now to wrap this up with a loving bow and a big warm hug. I seriously would love to know. Where you are practicing thinking a better situation and visualizing the best case scenario. And would you please help me spread the love and encouragement? Would you please give this the link to this show? To just one other person today. If every one of us shared this with one more person than before. Then that's just doubling the number of people who might find something they just needed to hear right now. And if you use my contact form in the show notes, I would love to hear how you are choosing to think about something better. In a better way, because what you think. So I to get, keep picturing love friends. I love you. See you. next time.