Picture Love

Transformation for the Overworked, Overwhelmed & Overthinkers

Kris LeDonne Season 1 Episode 53

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Calling the overworking overwhelmed and overthinking souls out there! This episode of Picture Love Podcast is for YOU... as a gift to help you find a transformation of relief and an invitation to show up as the best version of yourself.  

This episode contains some stories, a few movie references, and a guided visualization to help slow down the negative momentum so we can all show up in better ways and eventually look at what needs more of our attention. 

Host Kris LeDonne highlights a few personas people often identify with - and theses are just a few of the reasons you will benefit from today's exercise.

  • The List Broker
  • The Distracted Busy Bee
  • The Betrayed 
  • The Muted Mouse

We need to spread more GOOD NEWS... so please share this with someone who could use a break, or perhaps could give themselves a break... and let's be the reason someone smiles today. 

Thank you for picturing love together. 

"Welcome to the Picture Love podcast! I’m your host Kris LeDonne and it’s my purpose to see the good in others and mirror the love back to them, and photos are one of the ways I love to do this. You’ll hear a mix of solo episodes with lessons I love to share and heartfelt interviews and valuable resources to support you with the parts that resonate. As an encourager, it’s my joy to help you picture love better in your life and if you need help curating photo evidence of lives well lived… I

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Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

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Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

Hi friends. Welcome to picture love. I am so excited that you are here today. Thank you for your time. The purpose of this episode is to speak to, overworked, overextended, and overwhelmed brains. We've all experienced our own versions of that. And with the way our society and our world is changing right now, we are so overstimulated and there can be a lot of heavy things that people are either dealing with or needing to deal with. And sometimes we fall into these crazy patterns that don't serve us. So I'm coming to you to just call it out on the mat and say, Hey, no judgment here. But if you identify with any of these states of mind, you're going to really appreciate the support that's coming to you today. I'm going to reminisce a little bit with you. I'm going to share some of my favorite movie, types and tie it all together with an exercise to help bring immediate relief. I'm not saying this can be life changing, but it really can. So I'm not saying it, but I am because it's all in what we do with the information and the opportunities we are handed. I hope that you grab this opportunity with both hands. You savor it. And that you share it with others, because in this short little episode, you can go from one of these not so happy states into a beautiful version of picturing love that's going to help you be more resilient and really just show up in the rest of your day in such a better version of yourself. This is what I do. I'm practicing what I preach and I'll be doing the exercise with you. So, let's jump right in. Here are the four versions of overworked, overextended, and overwhelmed brains that maybe need to be acknowledged so we can find some relief. So the first one I affectionately named the list broker. Can you relate to that? Do you know anybody who makes a lot of lists? I know I, I have periods where I'm making lists and periods where I don't, but I'm I love lists because I love the reminder and I feel I can get something out of my head in front of my eyes where I'll remember it when I need to. But the problem with that is in the times where I have so many lists that I have lists of lists and that can be a slippery slope into a feeling of never ending hamster wheel- defeated by my lists type of situation. And it's, it's never a great place to be when you feel so defeated, you're doing nothing. And that nothing might look like making more lists for all I know. Um, I know I've been in those patterns and then, Those lists become clutter, paper clutter, digital clutter, and that has never in my life made me feel better. And I do love to help people who have that photo clutter. And maybe a little bit of this mental clutter can get cleared out from this conversation. So on to number two. This persona or archetype, if you would like to call it, is the distracted busy bee. Now, the distracted busy bee is getting things done, but they're so busy being busy. It's the perfect way of numbing out. And not addressing whatever emotions are really calling for your attention. And sometimes they might not even know it's happening because whether it's grief or it's fear or it's guilt, these emotions can actually manifest in our bodies in the forms of, of illness if they're not addressed. And if we're so busy. Being busy, one of the fallbacks, of course, is losing track of like personal life or self care or remembering birthdays, or I'm speaking from experience. I am not pointing fingers here. I promise we've all had some version or a bit experienced, been on the receiving end of the distracted busy bee. And You know what? It can be very self defeating as well as disappointing and kind of a hole in the boat of relationships. The third version I am speaking to today is the one who might feel betrayed and that can manifest in the form of somebody who has to do everything all themselves and they don't know how to or want to delegate, delegate something because they want to make sure it's done right. They want to make sure it's done their way. And that can look like a perfectionist. It can look like somebody who's a micromanager. It can look like somebody who's a control freak. It can look like somebody who's really suspicious of others. And I know I've seen parts of that in myself in the past and, and sometimes that's attached to abandonment or being feeling betrayed because somebody lied to them or deceived them or stole from them. So that's really not, basically it's a lack of trust. And the last one without really, I don't want to make you feel like this garbage, but if you can relate to any of this, then this is where a beautiful transformation is going to happen. So the. Fourth one is the muted mouse and the muted mouse, it might seem pretty obvious. It's the person who can't voice how they really feel because they're afraid of hurting others or they're just not feeling heard and they're not speaking in a way where they're Um, getting the response or the reaction that they need, or maybe the muted mouse is, is heard but not heard correctly. And so they have been misunderstood or unfairly judged or quite honestly told to shut up. And the muted mouse is certainly a perfect way of feeding this overworked, overextended, overwhelmed, and probably dismissed way of being. So I'm speaking to transformation to get us out of these places and into a better space so that we can actually function from a place of not, wounds, but a place of love. And so. I'll be honest. I love transformation stories. I love stories about the underdog, the underdog, the underappreciated, the underestimated and how they transform. And we're going to come back. I'm turning back the clocks a little bit. And just name three movies that come to mind. Like as a child, I loved Cinderella and it really, you know, as a kid, I'm looking back and I'm realizing just how, you know, the stereotypical, roles were about being, you know, the delicate female being rescued by the prince. And quite honestly, that's not the part I love. I love the Cinderella story where there is the underestimated, the undervalued Cinderella's love. Her love is really what makes her so beautiful. The blind side is one that I also love very much, and that's certainly a transformation story. And it was, it's not just about the talent and the kid's gift. It's really what jumps out at me that makes the main character of this true and movie story is that. Relentless kindness, the goodness that the kindness that comes from rooted in love, that's really what makes, what makes my heart smile because this transformation story highlights that goodness and that love and that kindness that, that keeps this character, this actual real person open to finding a beautiful family, not just a professional place in the world. And lastly, I'm going to mention, and although I have many favorite movies, I love the Harry Potter series. I truly, truly love it. And I think it's because who's perceived as an ordinary. Not necessarily remarkable boy ends up discovering he's not only a wizard, but being one who impacts the world by his heroism and discovering the courage inside of him. And, and that's also rooted in love. It's not rooted in vengeance and it's not rooted in damage. And I'm sure every human has things to heal no matter how big or little they are. But all three of these stories are transformation stories. So my question to you is, what little piece of you of your heart today could use a transformation? And if it's none of those overwhelmed, overworked and overextended versions, maybe there's something in you that just feels not so great, not the way you want to be, or maybe you can reflect on a moment that you just really did not feel your best self. What could use a transformation? We're going to do a little visualization. We come back from a quick short break. So you've got the next 60 seconds to either find a photo that you can look at on your phone, or maybe it's in your space. If you're driving, you just have to mentally choose one. And whatever works for you, you can, it can be a photo you can physically look at with your eyes or look at in your memory. And I need that photo to be something that makes you feel good. There's no problem looking at it and it doesn't have to be one of your memories. It can be a photo that was shared with you. It's somebody else's memory, but it has beautiful, loving meaning to you. Something that truly makes your heart smile. And we will do a little exercise to welcome in a transformation. Be right back. If you're looking for a trusted service that can transform tons of printed and digital pictures into something that's space conscious, beautiful, and displayed on your walls or in a legacy album on your lap, then look no further. Reminiscence by Kris LeDonne is here to serve you and your loved ones. Now you can continue to make and capture beautiful photo memories, enjoy sharing them with ease, and make new memories in the process of reminiscing You can find inspiration and a contact form at chrisledon. com or just check the show notes for a link. Now back to the show. I'm back, and I hope you have selected a photo. I did. So, I hope that you have one that comes to mind, or in your hand. Maybe you're looking at your phone while you're listening. If you're driving, please don't- please just imagine your picture. And we're going to do this short visualization. I've done this early. If you've been with Picture Love since the start, you have heard this first Picture Love visualization. I called it the Rebel Effect, where we reminisce. It's And it enriches us and brings love to the surface. So first, identify the picture. And acknowledge what's happening in the picture. Is there something happening? Who's in it? And then start noticing the details. The colors. The textures. Maybe the sounds that come to mind. If there's anything to smell that was in that moment or in that memory. Or if it even brings taste. Or can you imagine how something felt to the touch? Use all of your senses to remember this moment. And if you weren't there at this moment, but it was shared with you and it's really special, you can fill in the gaps and add your own senses to this moment or this memory. And we assign value to the parts that feel the best. We assign value to it that is indicative of the fact you chose it for this exercise. And decide why is it important to you? Why? And, and who's involved in it, if anything? Who or what? Or where? Or when, or what it's connected to, or what it represents. And just let that settle in your bones. Feel it with all of your senses and all of your memory. Then choose the best parts of that, that you would like to experience right here and right now in your present day. Feel the radiance of bringing all of that goodness into the present moment. And notice the energy from that moment. As it joins in the right now and becomes a new now, notice how it's enriching your present moment. Notice how your body changes. Do you find yourself smiling? Do you find yourself with a little bit of a flutter in your heart or your hands sweating? Or maybe All of a sudden, all these thoughts kept running to your mind and maybe it made you think of something that you need to share this with, or maybe it reminds you of the someone who shared it with you. How can you not only marinate in these loving feelings, but then perpetuate new ones in the sharing and the reminiscing with somebody else? That reminiscence with somebody else. brings not only a memory to the moment and makes it present and creates a new memory, but you're creating some energetic connections with that person you care about. And whether related to you or not, you are choosing to picture love from then into now and inspiring so much more to come next. That's all it takes. You can literally go through a photo album and do that every time. Just flip pages until your eyes really just stop on an image. And then just go deep into that memory. And if it's not your memory, but you're, you're taken into it by somebody else's memory, then what I'm getting at is the beauty of reminiscing. It's not only feeling the love and feeling the beautiful emotions, but sharing it with somebody else and creating a new moment in the process that then attracts the next more beautiful experiences into your day. And that is how I'm inviting you to picture love into right now. Friends, I have one last request from you today. I really believe that right now while you are listening to this episode, there is somebody who might really appreciate the reminder to stop and reminisce over something that feels good because quite honestly, our world is gone a bit cray cray. There are so many changes, there are so many points of conflict and so many reasons to get overworked, overthinking, overwhelmed. And I really want us to spread moments of peace and better thoughts so that we can help raise the tide for all boats. I really, truly believe we can change the world for the better. Just by sharing positive thoughts, because quite honestly, anybody who is in a space of love is putting good work out there, is driving lovingly, is connecting lovingly with themselves and with others. And if we can just be models of that love. If we could inspire more people to be more loving and picture love into their days every day, we truly can be the change that we want to see in the world. So please help me share this picture love. Help me create a whole new norm of reminiscing for the sake of bringing forward only the best our lives have to offer and imagining how much better it can be. From my heart to yours, thank you, thank you, and thank you. See you next time.