Picture Love

Love This Moment

Kris LeDonne

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Host Kris LeDonne reflects on a nugget from last week's episode of Picture Love, when Kathryn Garland shared her perspective on candid photos of her everyday moments. 

Key themes and ideas of this short episode include:

  • Noticing the gratitude of a moment - whether or not you have a photo- but giving it the focus and energy that attracts more experiences to appreciate
  • Sometimes a photo that reminds us of someone we lost is a powerful way to celebrate that life and connection. 
  • A compliment that changed the trajectory of the day
  • Photos help us be more conscious of that love in beautiful experiences
  • Don't Dodge out of the frame- allow yourself to be in a photo, because it matters to the people who share a memory with you. 
  • Go ahead, capture the moment, then put the device away and make the memory.It'll be waiting for you. 
  • Look for everyday moments you can enjoy today
  • Kris shares a new offering: mixed media photo art pieces or grouping- starting to be shared on her Instagram @Krisreminisce
  • Inspiration: Display a collection of photos with positive feelings, to be greeted with images of things that have beautiful and healing emotions attached to them.
  • Here’s the episode referenced with Kathryn Garland

Let us know what new moment you create that you're really appreciating in the moment that attracts 10 more! Contact Kris at krisledonne.com. 

"Welcome to the Picture Love podcast! I’m your host Kris LeDonne and it’s my purpose to see the good in others and mirror the love back to them, and photos are one of the ways I love to do this. You’ll hear a mix of solo episodes with lessons I love to share and heartfelt interviews and valuable resources to support you with the parts that resonate. As an encourager, it’s my joy to help you picture love better in your life and if you need help curating photo evidence of lives well lived… I

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Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

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Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

Well friends I'm sitting here in my studio and I found myself listening to last week's episode of picture love and. Something that I loved when Katherine Garland said something about everyday life. She said. Every once in a while, I'll just stop and think, oh, it's Tuesday. And she's noticing the life in front of her and she's saying. I love this moment and it jumps out at me. I had that happen several times yesterday. My older daughter is home from college and. Got home very, very late. I was asleep and came in and gave me a hug in the middle of my sleep. And woke me up just enough to receive that extra bit of love and. I just went right back to sleep. Smiling. And I woke up smiling because I love that moment. I don't have a photo of it. But retelling it right now, keeps it active and it just feeds a spirit of gratitude. And it led into this morning just looking around my house and seeing all of, all of my babies. Well, you know, young and old, all under my roof and just so grateful. And I just said to myself, I love this moment. And again, I don't have a photo of it, but I'm just being present. And if we're not present. We're not noticing how much we love the moment when it's happening. And coming back to picture love. Sometimes we do have a photo of that moment or else we have a photo that reminds us. At that moment. So we can, after something really beautiful happens, actually take a picture with the intention of remembering that thought or that experience. I actually had my husband tell me he, um, thought my voice was soothing on picture love, which did two things. It wasn't just the obvious, compliment of him appreciating the tone of my voice. Which was just delightful. It's the same thing as saying you're beautiful in my mind, because I felt heard by somebody I truly cherish. But it was the fact that he actually took the time to be present and listen to my show. So, you know, we can't always look to outside sources and people to receive validation, but when it comes, when you're not expecting it, What a gift that is. And so by retelling these stories and giving them attention. It just like they attract more and more. And it's my hope that. The work that I do and the sharing that we have together in this community of picture love friends and guests and creators that we continue to honor and cherish the good that we want to use. To model more of that love in the next beautiful experiences. And you know, we woke up to, some sad news. A relative had passed on my husband's side and it just comes back to reminding me, it brings me back to my mission. Is to really celebrate. Um, and, and preserve. The love. And our lives and the beauty. That we can use to support us. And inspire more beauty. Uh, not for the sake of living in the past, but for standing on the person we are because of our past. And where I'm going with this is when we lose a loved one., all of a sudden those pictures become a hundred times more special. So. If you haven't allowed yourself to be in a photo with a loved one recently. And, and you notice somebody open up their camera. Or their phone and they're taking pictures, please. Don't Dodge out of the frame. Please. Allow yourself to be in it. And if you're thinking about, even if it's a screenshot on a FaceTime or a zoom call, You don't have to be physically in the same place. And it does not have to be professional portrait photography to be beautiful. Please allow yourself the moment to be in that moment. And then don't worry about the rest. Just stay present because those little thumb prints, those little footprints that we allow ourselves to be part of down the road, it becomes such a blessing. When you need that photo evidence of the life well lived that photo evidence of the connection, that photo evidence that you love and honor. Those relationships. Go ahead, capture the moment, then put the device away and make the memory. Make it last, make it part of who you are. And if it's just too painful, at least. When you are ready to return to that. Moment to find it. It'll be waiting for you. And in the meantime, don't hesitate to just say, wow. It's a Wednesday night and I just love this moment or. It's a Monday morning. What about the routine can I just love right now? And maybe open up your favorites in your camera roll and look at the last three. Just to give you that boost. If Monday's just not easy to start. One of the ways that I love to use photos to help my clients just really stay grounded in the gratitude of their lives is to take a favorite. One or two or a grouping of photos and create something original for them that can greet them when they wake up in the morning. And I'm referring to something new I've started to provide, which are one of a kind mixed media photo art pieces, or grouping. And it's, it's really been something I love. If you're a curious, I've just started to put them on my Instagram. So feel free to check that out. I will put the link in show notes. And we can take something that is just trapped in your camera. Roll. Or in your archives. And bring it, bring it to the light of day. Let it be free from the pixels or the piles. And let these images support you. By helping you attach to a positive thought. To hopefully create momentum for your day. of, incrementally feeling better. That in itself is. Well, I call it photo therapy. And that's one way that I picture love better in my life. On my bedroom wall I have a collection of scenes from vacations that we've taken with really positive high vibe feelings. And, you know, when it's gray and cloudy or I woke up late it's so nice to be greeted with images of things that have beautiful and healing emotions attached to them. Well, thanks for letting me reflect. I'm so grateful to Catherine Garland. If you haven't listened to that episode, please do go scroll back. I will link it up in the notes. So that you can relisten. It's the last episode of February 20, 24. And, I can't wait to hear what you uncover or what new moment you create that you're really appreciating in the moment that attract 10 more. Have a beautiful day. And keep picturing love.