Picture Love

Meet Linda Farkas (part2) meditation/photo ritual

July 16, 2024 Kris LeDonne Season 1 Episode 47
Meet Linda Farkas (part2) meditation/photo ritual
Picture Love
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Picture Love
Meet Linda Farkas (part2) meditation/photo ritual
Jul 16, 2024 Season 1 Episode 47
Kris LeDonne

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This is part 2 of a conversation with Linda Farkas, both published on 7/16/24 here on Picture Love podcast. 

In this episode, she leads us through a special photo mediation/ritual you'll savor (episode 47) also published on 7/15/24. Connect with ancestors, or special moments captured in photo (or in your memory) and find peace to refresh your mind and body. 

If you haven't listened to part 1 yet be sure to, for deep insights and thoughtful benefits around this ritual, created just for YOU. 

Please take extra care not to participate in this exercise when you're driving- this is not the time to multitask. This 20 minute episode is best when you are safe to sit quietly, with  your eyes closed (or to turn your attention inward.)

Sending you peace, love and plenty of happy reminiscing.

"Welcome to the Picture Love podcast! I’m your host Kris LeDonne and it’s my purpose to see the good in others and mirror the love back to them, and photos are one of the ways I love to do this. You’ll hear a mix of solo episodes with lessons I love to share and heartfelt interviews and valuable resources to support you with the parts that resonate. As an encourager, it’s my joy to help you picture love better in your life and if you need help curating photo evidence of lives well lived… I

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Find me on Social @KrisReminisce or visit my website krisledonne.com

Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

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Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

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Show Notes Transcript

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This is part 2 of a conversation with Linda Farkas, both published on 7/16/24 here on Picture Love podcast. 

In this episode, she leads us through a special photo mediation/ritual you'll savor (episode 47) also published on 7/15/24. Connect with ancestors, or special moments captured in photo (or in your memory) and find peace to refresh your mind and body. 

If you haven't listened to part 1 yet be sure to, for deep insights and thoughtful benefits around this ritual, created just for YOU. 

Please take extra care not to participate in this exercise when you're driving- this is not the time to multitask. This 20 minute episode is best when you are safe to sit quietly, with  your eyes closed (or to turn your attention inward.)

Sending you peace, love and plenty of happy reminiscing.

"Welcome to the Picture Love podcast! I’m your host Kris LeDonne and it’s my purpose to see the good in others and mirror the love back to them, and photos are one of the ways I love to do this. You’ll hear a mix of solo episodes with lessons I love to share and heartfelt interviews and valuable resources to support you with the parts that resonate. As an encourager, it’s my joy to help you picture love better in your life and if you need help curating photo evidence of lives well lived… I

You can help other optimists and storytellers find this podcast by sharing and leaving us a rating/review.

Find me on Social @KrisReminisce or visit my website krisledonne.com

Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

Support the show

You can help other photo lovers and storytellers find this podcast by sharing and leaving us a rating/review.

Find me on Social @KrisReminisce or visit my website krisledonne.com

Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

Hello friends. Welcome back to picture love. This is a special visualization ritual designed by my friend, Linda Farkas for your enjoyment. If you are driving, You may want to download this episode and come back to it later when you can be in a quiet space. But what I really recommend is you choose a quiet time, either early in the morning, maybe on a lunch break, when you can get away from the ruckus of the day. Or even perhaps something to do before unwinding at night. But regardless when you use it, I hope it brings you as much calm and peace and beauty as it did for me. Let's get started.

Kris LeDonne:

So now you can go ahead and close your eyes. You can also have your eyes slightly open, whatever works for you. And we'll take in three deep breaths. So we're going to breathe in all the way up into our belly, up into our heart. Hold the in breath for a few beats. And then exhale gently and completely and hold the exhale for a few beats before breathing in again. So at your own pace, it will be three deep breaths. And I invite you to kind of linger in the spaces between the breaths. So let's begin now. Breathing deeply, we're going to hold the inhale, and then at your own pace, you're going to exhale gently Then hold the exhale before breathing in again, feeling the way the breath washes over you, oxygenating, energizing, and calming you at the same time, relaxing you, taking your time. And whenever you've taken your full three breaths, just rest in your natural rhythm of your breath. Let the rest of the compulsions of your day just fall away. Just here, just this. And feel yourself rooted into the earth. So now, we are going to ground ourselves. This is completely imaginal, and we are going to put down our plumb line. And it also has to do with our pelvic floor. So, you can breathe in, pull up on your pelvic floor, and then exhale, and just let go. And through that bottom of our base, And through our imaginal vision, we extend a route, a route going all the way down through your seat, all the way down through the floor, down, down through all the layers of the foundation of the building that you are in, and you set it down into the mother earth. And this will be our grounding wire. We sit down this long and deep route into the mother earth so that nothing can blow us off the course. Nothing can blow us away, or hit us, or make us leave our body, when we have set this grounding wire for us for today. And we are engaging our imagination here, so there is no right or wrong way to do this. There is nothing you should or shouldn't be feeling. You are just going on this journey as you drop over yourself a radiant shawl. It's your garment of light. And feel how light it is as a feather, yet strong as iron. It's your iron shield. And this garment of light, this shawl, you stitch out of every action we have ever done that has added positive energy to the world. Stitches of goodness. Every loving act, every smile, every active. Forgiveness is a stitch in this shawl that we weave every day in our life. Every time we shine our light into this world with a positive intention. And this shawl is right now embracing you and will opening you in the lightest way. And it's translucent. It's the most beautiful light shield falling over you like a cape, protecting you from fears. Any negative energy or influence, and returning you to your hearts of wisdom, to your wise nature. 360 degrees around you, falling from your crown to the floor, it's your own private tipi made of light. Gently, gently relaxing your system, stillness, with the light of spirit, right now, you are perfectly between the future and the past. 360 And there is only one time, and it's now. Past, present, and future can fold into themselves. We are shifting our relationship with time right now. As we travel into these unseen dimensions, you are protected. This is your imaginal meditation. Go to the limits that you can go today. And remember, you are rooted. You are protected. You're centered and you're guided to the door. So on your next inhale, you're at the door. Just put the door open and enter easily through the door into the bright space, right into the hallway where ancestors are lined up on either side. But you're not pausing. You're not stopping. You're walking slowly. Your ancestors are looking approvingly at you, blessing you as you pass. You are breathing, you are centered, and this is a long, long hallway, and you are not stopping or looking up to the right or to the left. You are just following straight ahead. You are going to a chamber. It's at the very, very back of the hallway. You get to the door. The inner door is now opening. And you are guided into a beautiful labyrinth room which is near to a garden. You can smell the freshness of the greenery. You can hear the fountain. You can hear a bird singing. Just allow your senses to open and revel in this beautiful room. At the far wall of the room is a bed or couch. And on it is a very old being. On that bed is you. You realize that it is you. No one but you. At the end of your life. At the end of a long and ripe life. This is you. All is seasoned, you have lived your life completely, you have fulfilled your life entirely, you have fulfilled your purpose for which you have come. So I invite you to step closer to the bed and look now, very carefully, at this seasoned face. This is a face that is ready, ready to lead this world, but they have waited for you. So take a good look. What do you see looking into this being's eyes? And see what is the most important to them. What has been the most important. What would I say to you right now, that has been the most important. Touchstone, or the ball to keep your eye on. This person, this you, is about to leave. And now, now, something incredible is happening. The wall behind the bed, the wall is falling away altogether. And it's disappearing. It's giving way to a completely different space. To an open field. And right behind where this wall was, It's a group of people, and they are celebrating. They are there to welcome you home. This beautiful elder being is so ready to be collected into the next dimension. You are breathing, and you are watching it all. And it's beautiful. It's full of love. It's full of joy. There is no judgment, no shame or blame. It's all just a big celebration, a welcome home. And now you're guided to step back and it's time to leave. Now you're guided to the door of this inner garden down, down the hallway. Again, you're breathing. You're feeling the ground of your being. You're okay. You are safe. You are protected and you're guided down the hallway. And out of the portal, of that column, you are taken to the great door, and over the threshold where the door closes behind you. And we'll take a moment to steady ourselves, to center ourselves, so you may want to take a deeper breath. What happened, what didn't happen, all of it is sacred. This was the alchemy of the soul. And now, imagine an angel being with you. Heaven, download me with grace. That pours through my system, my soul, my cell tissue. Let this grace run through my heart. Let this grace dissolve what I can't dissolve. Let it wipe away memories of what still weighs upon me in such difficult and painful ways. Let this grace move through my soul and tranquilizes me in a truth that if I am here, I am here for a purpose. If I am here, I am here guided. And finally, let this grace move into my soul and tranquilize any sense of insecurity that I am not known to the universe. There is a light shining upon me. Every breath I take, everything I do is known to the universe. Let this grace pour to those I love and those I don't love, and yet I know, in a greater circle, life. Amen. And now. Before you open your eyes, just for fun, let us bring a smile on your face, bringing and breathing this smile into your whole body, and as you exhale, letting go of anything that's not serving you anymore. Now you can rub your palms, your hands. Together, and let's create some heat Big breath, and this time we pass the blessing energy onto ourselves, and somewhere on your body that feels good and healing and calming, place your hands, could be your head, your eyes, your face, your heart, your belly, and in your own time, you can start to slowly and gently open your eyes. Welcome back. If you would like to take some notes, or scribble into your notebook, now would be a great time. You might not get this. all right now, but it might be a good way to remember, remember whatever you notice you didn't notice, you saw, you didn't see. All is sacred.