Picture Love

How Do You Picture Love [in Your Life]?

Kris LeDonne Season 1 Episode 38

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In this episode, Kris LeDonne reflects on her journey of podcasting as a healing and discovery process. She discusses the mindful intention of picturing love in everyday life and attending a podcasting summit in LA. Kris shared her inspiration behind collecting conversations with podcasters on how they picture love in their lives. This episode emphasizes the importance of intention and mindset in noticing and receiving love in daily life.

Now is the perfect time to express gratitude on Memorial Day and honor those who have served, to allow us to enjoy freedoms that have been protected.

The episode features two interview clips: 

"Welcome to the Picture Love podcast! I’m your host Kris LeDonne and it’s my purpose to see the good in others and mirror the love back to them, and photos are one of the ways I love to do this. You’ll hear a mix of solo episodes with lessons I love to share and heartfelt interviews and valuable resources to support you with the parts that resonate. As an encourager, it’s my joy to help you picture love better in your life and if you need help curating photo evidence of lives well lived… I

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Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

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Find me on Social @KrisReminisce or visit my website krisledonne.com

Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

Hi friends. Welcome back to picture. Love. I feel like the beginning of every episode, I tell you this one has really different from the others because. But in fact, I'm just realizing that this podcasting journey for me is very much a healing and discovery and learning process. And so it should go without saying every episode is different from the past ones. Well, what makes this one unique in its own? Right? Is. It occurred to me that I used the term picture. Love. As an intention as a phrase, as an, as a descriptor, rather than just specifically talking about photos. And so the intention of picturing love and to life is just, you know, the mindfulness we approach our days with. And I just had the privilege of attending a podcasting summit out in LA. Here in the U S I live on the east coast and that was on the west coast. So I'm almost back on Eastern. Daylight time. And while I was out there, actually the day I was leaving, I had this last minute inspiration to take a pocket size microphone to plug into my iPhone. And to just ask some of these amazing podcasters and podcast curious people who are doing beautiful work in their own categories, or I'm creating new categories in their lives. And it's just, uh, a re receptive inviting group of people when you have a group of podcasters in the room, because. In case it's not already obvious. Podcasters tend to be people who are lifelong learners, where at least in this stage of life, they are learning. They love to engage. They love to reflect on what they've learned. And many of us have conversations with other learning souls for the sake of sharing and discovering new things together. And when I packed my microphone, I just, I believe it was kind of a divine direction. I was following that said. Ask people, how they picture love and their lives. And so I figure, well, There's probably nobody more queued up for that kind of spontaneous sharing than a group of podcasters. So I did. And what I discovered. Is it really translates well to anybody who is doing something with an intention, with a purpose and it cracks hearts wide open to cut right to the why, why they're showing up, why it's so important, what they're sharing, what they're learning, what they're teaching, what they're creating. And I was just so inspired that I collected about 10 of these conversations. And I'm going to be sharing them over the next couple of weeks. And I just thought I would share this with you today as a kickoff. And before I go any further, I would just like to take a timeout to say a heartfelt, thank you. To the souls who have pictured love in our lives and here specifically in the us who gave their lives in service while defending our freedoms. It is Memorial day while I'm recording this intro. And my heart goes out to not just the souls who we lost in service, but to those who were supporting those loved ones, those whose ancestors are celebrating that. Ultimate sacrifice of their lives. And those of us who carry on the traditions of their legacies. In our own unique ways. May we always remember the love pictured into our lives? By ourselves and those who go before us and those coming up alongside of us. And may we preserve legacies of love that cause the world to picture love more soundly and more deeply. In every breath. So with deepest gratitude, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And first here is a brief message from our sponsor me. If you're looking for a trusted service that can transform tons of printed and digital pictures into something that's space conscious, beautiful, and displayed on your walls or in a legacy album on your lap, then look no further. Reminiscence by Kris Ladan is here to serve you and your loved ones. Now you can continue to make and capture beautiful photo memories, enjoy sharing them with ease, and make new memories in the process of reminiscing. You can find inspiration and a contact form at krisledonne.Com or just check the show notes for a link. Now back to the show. So there are two interview clips I'm going to share with you today that are super short. And both of them, you will notice, have extreme contrast and their language. But great connection in there. Meaning. And the first one I'm going to share with you is Sharnee somebody who I just fell in love with online. We met in zoom rooms and she is just got this infectious, loving energy. And I really felt like it was a reunion instead of meeting for the first time when we spoke. And she's going to tell you about home from her perspective and how she pictures love, check it out. Hello, I'm Chernice Dieudonne. I love you, how do you picture love? I love you, too. And when I picture love, I picture being the abundance leader for anyone and everyone who needs it. I picture empowering people through real estate, because that is what I do, in Atlanta and all throughout the world with my referral network. So. It does not matter where you are in the world. If you do not have this way of building generational wealth, if you do not have a way of creating residual income, we need to have a conversation. We need to break through those barriers so that you feel empowered and held. So, wherever you are in the world, whether it's me in Atlanta, or it's one of the amazing agents who I have meticulously vetted for you, anywhere else, let's do this. Let's have a conversation. I just can't hear her niece's voice without smiling. She just holds space for so many people in beautiful ways, whether it's, making investment properties or finding homes, she's just such a sweetheart. And the next friend I'm going to share with you today. Jen Heller is so different and no different, another gigantic heart. And she really gets to the heart of building beautiful homes by supporting the people in them. And here's what she had to say. When I asked her how she pictures love. Hello, this is Jen Heller and I have a brand new podcast that launched yesterday called Homes That Heal. Congratulations, and I'm so happy for you. Tell me, how do you picture love? Great question. Well, Homes That Heal is all around loving yourself, loving your home, creating a sanctuary space so that you can show up in the best version of yourself on whatever that is. So I teach people how to create a home that's harmonious. So that you can love on yourself and so that you can thrive in all areas of your life. Amen. There's no place like home. Absolutely. So those are two of the loving people that I was so blessed to be in the presence of this past weekend. And if I'm being perfectly transparent, I'm shocked that such an inspiration of throwing this little gadget and my suitcase. Um, opened up such opportunities. So the next time you get an impulse to. I wonder if what's the harm in exploring, you never know. I literally think the microphone costs you about two bucks. It's one of those little itty-bitty things. You might even find it a. dollar store on Amazon and multi-packs and it just opened up the opportunity to grab another perspective. That being said. I will be can sharing some more conversations in the coming weeks about how people respond to how they're picturing love in their lives. And whether you work with photos for a living like I do or not. There's just always a way of noticing and coming to our day with intention and the mindset. Of identifying the love, showing up as the love and receiving the love that is right there in front of us in any mundane or unusual circumstance. So I hope that that puts a smile on your face. Thank you so much to Chernice. And thank you to Jen for being spontaneously vulnerable, cracking the hearts wide open and sharing how they're serving. And I would love to know how you are picturing love in your lives and in your work today. So please don't forget, drop me a rating or review and, and even comment and say, Hey Kris, here's how I'm picturing love. Have a beautiful day and I'll catch you next time.