Picture Love

Voices in YOUR Head?

February 13, 2024 Kris LeDonne
Voices in YOUR Head?
Picture Love
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Picture Love
Voices in YOUR Head?
Feb 13, 2024
Kris LeDonne

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Kris LeDonne created this episode to hold space for each of us to take a mental inventory of who's voices remain in our thoughts. You may be past this point in your life, or you're not ready to go there yet, ...  or maybe you're like me and realize your life is like an onion and each layer reveals new levels of sweetness and powerful emotion. 
You are invited to unpack the head stuff that keeps our hearts from being heard:

  • Let's bless & release things that served us at some point but we've outgrown
  • Declutter the thoughts that serve nobody and take them out with the trash
  • Dust the shelves that held the wrong items for too long and thank them for hold up
  • And celebrate, polish and display the things that really do reflect our best selves TODAY and that honor a better presence in our lives!
  • Smile knowing it's part of life and will need to happen again at different times... and that's OKAY! 
  • Above all, love yourself and your heart will be able to love others more fully. 

Let's picture love together!

"Welcome to the Picture Love podcast! I’m your host Kris LeDonne and it’s my purpose to see the good in others and mirror the love back to them, and photos are one of the ways I love to do this. You’ll hear a mix of solo episodes with lessons I love to share and heartfelt interviews and valuable resources to support you with the parts that resonate. As an encourager, it’s my joy to help you picture love better in your life and if you need help curating photo evidence of lives well lived… I

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Find me on Social @KrisReminisce or visit my website krisledonne.com

Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

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Find me on Social @KrisReminisce or visit my website krisledonne.com

Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

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Show Notes Transcript

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Kris LeDonne created this episode to hold space for each of us to take a mental inventory of who's voices remain in our thoughts. You may be past this point in your life, or you're not ready to go there yet, ...  or maybe you're like me and realize your life is like an onion and each layer reveals new levels of sweetness and powerful emotion. 
You are invited to unpack the head stuff that keeps our hearts from being heard:

  • Let's bless & release things that served us at some point but we've outgrown
  • Declutter the thoughts that serve nobody and take them out with the trash
  • Dust the shelves that held the wrong items for too long and thank them for hold up
  • And celebrate, polish and display the things that really do reflect our best selves TODAY and that honor a better presence in our lives!
  • Smile knowing it's part of life and will need to happen again at different times... and that's OKAY! 
  • Above all, love yourself and your heart will be able to love others more fully. 

Let's picture love together!

"Welcome to the Picture Love podcast! I’m your host Kris LeDonne and it’s my purpose to see the good in others and mirror the love back to them, and photos are one of the ways I love to do this. You’ll hear a mix of solo episodes with lessons I love to share and heartfelt interviews and valuable resources to support you with the parts that resonate. As an encourager, it’s my joy to help you picture love better in your life and if you need help curating photo evidence of lives well lived… I

You can help other optimists and storytellers find this podcast by sharing and leaving us a rating/review.

Find me on Social @KrisReminisce or visit my website krisledonne.com

Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

Support the show

You can help other photo lovers and storytellers find this podcast by sharing and leaving us a rating/review.

Find me on Social @KrisReminisce or visit my website krisledonne.com

Grab Kris's freebie HERE: Obliterate The Overwhelm

Happy Reminiscing!
<3, Kris

This conversation goes out to all of my fellow people pleasers. The people who just love to serve others, because you just have so much love to give. And in the process, maybe you've just found yourself. Buried in mental clutter. Or needing a fresh start or maybe you're trying to welcome in a fresh chapter. And you want to take an inventory of really whose voices are in your head. This is for you. Because I work in that same space too. So my question to you is. Who's your teacher. Now if you're in school. Your teacher may be, you know, the more traditional version, the one teaching a curriculum to a classroom. And if you are a student in any university or schooling of the traditional sort, or maybe even you're a homeschool, do you don't necessarily get to choose who your teachers are. You choose the subjects according to your skill level and your. Desired outcome. AKA a degree, but. In life. If we tell ourselves we're not students. Then we really are shutting ourselves off from the ability to continue to grow, whether it's in a traditional educational setting or not. And as a former educator, you know, I was trained from day one. Teachers are lifelong learners. The best teachers are the ones continuing to grow, continuing to hone their craft, continuing to learn new ideas and to bring them to their students for the sake of enriching their students. But somewhere in that language, I received, it's all for them. When in fact. My roles in this world. Are really for me so that I can serve at a greater capacity. For others. And for myself. So that being said, I am very. I'd have to tell you. At now that I'm in my fifties. I have just reached a level of awareness and made collected enough mistakes on the scoreboard. If you're keeping a scoreboard, you relate. Where the lessons are really helping me because I'm paying attention to them. I'm looking back at my stats and I'm discovering what went the way I wanted it to what could have gone better. What was a total disaster? And what am I going to do with it? And very happy to report. I'm not doing it for the sake of beating myself up anymore, though. I did that for decades, you know? That's self-defeating conversation. I was allowing myself to be a very negative teacher for myself. Bye. Telling myself thoughts that were very self-defeating. But now today. I'm very cautious. Let me just say mindful about who I allow in my head. That applies to. What I read what I watch. Who I listened to. What community circles I gather in. And who I engage with on a social, not just on a family level. And. Who we put in our inner circle and who we give our focus and who we give our attention to is who we become. Those are the flavors that you sees in your recipe with. Your recipe, your soup becomes flavored by the herbs and the spices and the foods that you put in it. Right. Well, Our outlook and our choices and our lifestyle and our. Beliefs. Are definitely a result of all of the information and the data that we've collected through our days in this life experience. And depending what your beliefs are maybe before that. But when I'm coming to right now is. Who are your teachers? Are your teachers, the ones who lift you up. By giving you new thoughts. Are they the ones who tell you what you think you need, what they think you want to hear? Are they ones who just don't know anything other than. Complaints. I know I have. I had a pretty decent career in education for the most part. But one of the things that I didn't realize at the time was that teacher's lounge. And one of the schools where I taught. Was the most toxic environment. And I came home sounding like that after a period of time. And so when I look back, I am grateful for the awareness. That I was picking on the, picking up on those traits and I was able to actually separate myself from it. So sometimes we've got to make those mistakes before we can see. Before we see them. Other times we can see them coming on by just selecting. What are the circles? That I'm choosing to show up in. Okay, so you may be wondering, Kris, what does this have to do with pictures? Okay. So it's not just the verb of picturing. How you want your life to be and how it is and taking an inventory of that. But it's also a matter of images that we look at, you know, media is covered in sensational images, things to grab your attention. Um, clickbait, they might call it. Scroll stopping images and video. And my question is why not curate our own. Camera roll. Of things that make us better. Why not take a picture of something beautiful and nature that inspires us and then put the phone away to be present with it. Why not take a picture. Of somebody you love walking away from you holding the hand of a little one. And then put the phone away and be present. Why not collect evidence. Of lives well lived. With the purpose of coming back to them later so that you get to be present now. In this moment. So. When I'm asking the question, who are your teachers? And who's in your head. That's really meant to empower myself and anybody listening. To just be that teacher. Who really does make good decisions. And, and at the end of the day or after that particular event, Go back and ask yourself. Hm. Does that really serve? Or can I delete that before? It's all backed up in my cloud. And then make the intention of sharing it. Um, it's a perfect, perfect prompt. For practicing gratitude. For journaling. You don't have to be an album maker to appreciate the beauty of a full photo that was taken with mindful intention and love and appreciation. Because whatever we focus on grows, you've heard me say that before. I'm sure. But today I want us to be our own best teachers. I want us to mentor our own personal inner child. So that he or she. Is feeling supported and guided to. Curate the best thoughts and the best environment. So that we can add to that. Because I really believe that there is beauty and love and light and every single one of us. And with your feeling, it. Right now or not, doesn't mean it isn't there waiting for you in the shadows to be discovered. So that's my little dose of optimism today. Attached to the who's in your head. And I hope that it allows you to be encouraged and not convicted, but encouraged and empowered. To really sit down, get some of those thoughts down on paper or type them out if you want to and just decide what doesn't serve me anymore. What can I transmute into lessons learned? What can I be grateful for that I can stand on today to build on and be better for myself so I can show up better in my world. So from my heart to yours, I wish you happy intentional. Reminiscing. And please keep picturing the love. See you soon.